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Periodontics in Moraira

The treatment of periodontitis varies in each case. Depending on the phase and the state in which the patient's disease is found, periodontal treatment could be one or the other.

In some cases, a non-surgical periodontal technique will be sufficient.

In others, when periodontitis is more advanced, if your gums have receded, there is bone loss, or other special circumstances exist, it may be necessary to carry out surgical treatments to address your case.

Non Surgical Periodontics

  • Scaling and root planing: Scaling and root planing are one of the basic periodontal treatments. It is a dental technique involving scraping and smoothing of the tooth root surfaces to remove tartar and accumulated plaque on the teeth and gums.

With the scaling technique, different instruments are used to scrape tartar and plaque, thus eliminating them from the affected area. The objective is to act deeply, even reaching below the gums to remove tartar and bacteria that are accumulated beyond the surface of the teeth.

Patient and Dentist
Dental x-ray

Surgical Periodontal Treatments

  • Periodontal surgery: With periodontal surgery, the specialist can reach the deepest areas of periodontal pockets, those that are difficult to access and cannot be reached through scaling and root planing.

  • Gum grafting: Gum grafting is a solution to gum recession. It is often one of the most common treatments to improve our smile as well.

  • Bone grafting: In cases where the periodontist detects that the bone is damaged, they will assess the possibility of performing a bone graft.

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